Make Your Opinion Known

Take a minute and go over to Ruger’s website and make your opinion hear, they will send a message to the yourPresident, your Vice-President, your Senators, your Representative, your Governor, your Lieutenant Governor, your State-Level Elected Officials and your State Attorney General on your behalf. Read the letter first, if you don’t agree then don’t…

Having a Positive Outreach

Just put this out on Facebook thought I would share it with my one conferred reader: “It is important time to stand up and be counted, please join the NRA, the Second Amendment Foundation, and any other gun rights organization you agree with especially in your state. But, DO NOT get dragged down into a…

Happy 2013!

  Happy New Years to you and yours. I have taken the Holidays to spend time with my family and reflect upon the passing year. It has been hard to tune out all the things that have happened in the last two weeks or so. I am actually originally from Rochester, New York were two…